To kill a mockingbird

To kill a mocking bird is a book written by Harper Lee about standing up for what is right in an apartheid society.  If you haven’t read the book then I suggest go read it straight away it’s a great book. I’ll give you a brief outline anyway. It’s about a man who stands up for a black man in an apartheid time in a court case. It tells the story from the eyes of the man’s daughter whose name is Scout. It follows what she does and her relationships with her father whose name is Atticus, her brother Jeremy or “Jem”, their housekeeper Calpurnia, their summer friend Dill, The mysterious character known as Boo Radley. I’m going to talk about the many aspects on how to be human. Let’s first talk about what being human is. To me being human is be individual. To be human is be different. A robot couldn’t be human because you could just make another robot exactly the same and that wouldn’t be human to me. That’s not all to being human however. This is my opinion so it may differ to your own. I believe that being human isn’t necessarily a good thing. Sometimes people are different in bad ways. People can act in ways that make being human ugly. Some of the things we say and do can really bring down other humans. In To kill a mockingbird all the of the characters in the book are human, but there are some humans who aren’t very pleasant characters. Take Bob Ewell for example the main antagonist to the novel. He is human but he isn’t a very beautiful human. His actions against Tom Robinson who is the man being convicted of rape are quite foul. Many people in the jury during the trail were quite prejudiced towards Tom Robinson. Tom being dark skinned didn’t have much of a chance in the trail since during that time people were quite prejudiced towards dark skinned people. The Jury had assumed that Tom had committed rape all based on the assumption that he was black. He was black so he must have  done it right?  Such actions in those days would’ve been deemed as demeaning and racist in today’s society. This is a reason that being human isn’t always beautiful, but there are many times that humans truly shine. Such as Atticus the lawyer who stood for what he thought was right. He knew that Tom Robinson didn’t commit the crime and so he stood up for it. Even though society said that black people were criminals Atticus stood and said that he was innocent and that deserved to be set free. However it was just one man in the end and although one said that it wasn’t him the majority of society still came to the prejudiced conclusion that it was him. However he does tell Scout that he has started a small change. A change in way people saw things. How people say each other as humans. How we could get past all our differences and that although was makes us different makes us human. There is one fundamental bond that brings us all together so that we can each other human. Even one man can change something. Being human is growing into many different things  each day with more acceptance of racial or sexual equality . We grow into more beautiful humans each day.

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