Too much of anything is bad

Unhealthy obsession? Source Source


Too much of anything is never good. When someone likes something they grow attached to it. They will often often defend their interests when ever someone criticizes their interests. Some people will look up to celebrities. Others will be interested in movie’s or shows. If we like something then we allocate more of our time into it, but when do become to interested in our interests.

Celebrities will always have fans. Whether they are music celebrities or movie stars. We may like them because they’re good singers, good actors or maybe just good looking. Of course it’s good to like things. We all need to find certain things that grab our interests. Of course a good interest is one that does purposely hurt people in any way. I found that in my generation that many young girls will often find interest young male celebrities who are singers. Now it’s fine to like something, but this where the obsession kicks in. Many of these girls allocate too much time into these celebrities and sometimes do do some crazy things. Examples would be fans that stalk their celebrity and dedicate all their lives into trying to meet their celebrity . Following them and sometimes even going through their rubbish. This is an example of when obsession has gone too far. Of course this is a very extreme example of obsession.

In my opinion I think it’s fine to be obsessed with something. As long as your interest doesn’t hurt anyone else. Your interest should be something that lets you connect with others not something that pushes you away from people. Obsession is becoming more popular these days with access to tools such as the internet letting people find what they like easily. I think obsession is healthy if it’s kept under control



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